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The greenest FUTURE OF THEM ALL through Hydrogen power

Our hydrogen ICE technologies will power our F61H and will be available for other auto manufactures to convert their cars into hydrogen powered vehicles.

Hydrogen ICE technology surpasses other hydrogen platforms and significantly outperforms EV when comparing costs, performance, convenience and reliability.

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The greenest

Future of them all


When comparing materials required, harm to the environment and where electricity comes from to produce and power an EV you can quickly see it’s not as clean as its portrayed.

Green hydrogen when at scale can become the leading clean energy source without disturbing the natural environment and using the world’s most abundant natural resource which replenishes its self – sea water.

Fast Auto - Fueling the future

EV Production Materials

To manufacture each EV battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, 25,000 pounds of ore for copper Digging up 500,000 pounds of the earth's crust For just - one vehicles battery platform.

EV Power Source

Electric cars rely on regular charging from the local electricity network. The power plants providing that energy aren’t emission-free; even in California, 60% of electricity came from burning fossil fuels while solar and wind together made up less than 14% all while a large percentage of US electricity is produced by burning coal.

Green Hydrogen Materials

Green Hydrogen is produced through sea water

Green Hydrogen Power Source

To be classified as Green Hydrogen the power source must be renewable such as solar or wind

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Our hydrogen ICE technologies will power our F61H and will be available for other auto manufactures to convert their cars into hydrogen powered vehicles.

Hydrogen ICE technology outpaces other hydrogen platforms and outperforms EV’s by leaps and bounds when comparing costs, performance, convenience and reliability.

The advantage of hydrogen ICE against fuel cell hydrogen an EV